The hosted domains feature of a web hosting account denotes the amount of registered domains that you can add within the very same account. Registering a domain and hosting it are two different services although many people consider them to be the exact same thing. While the registration means you become the owner of a certain domain name, the hosting element is what in fact allows you to have a website because this is where your data and email messages are going to be. Since these are two different services, you are able to register a new domain name with one company and host it with another by changing its name servers (DNS) - the domain name is going to work in the exact same way as if it was registered and hosted with the same company. It's also important to know that changing the hosting means pointing the domain to a different company and not transferring it.

Hosted Domains in Shared Hosting

Through our Linux shared hosting you can host a different amount of domain addresses, regardless of whether you register them with our company or using some other provider. If you host only a couple of domains, you'll probably use much less resources, so you can go for a lower-end plan, which will also be less expensive. If you decide to add more domains to your account at some point, you can add more slots through your hosting Control Panel and keep the current plan or upgrade the whole plan and employ the additional system resources for the new domain names. Each of the upgrades will take just a couple of mouse clicks and is activated right away. As registering and hosting a domain name are two different things, there isn't any limit how many domains you are able to register whatever the plan you’ve subscribed for.

Hosted Domains in Semi-dedicated Hosting

When you buy a semi-dedicated server plan through our company, you will be able to host as many domain names as you would like regardless of whether you register them here or you already own them through a different company. We have decided not to restrict this feature because the semi-dedicated plans are very powerful and the load they can handle is pretty high, so it would not make sense to be able to host a fixed amount of domains. The accounts are handled through the Hepsia Control Panel, which will provide you with total control over your hosted domains. You can add a new domain with a couple of mouse clicks and everything is done easily and intuitively, as opposed to rival Control Panels where you might even have to switch between different accounts to manage a couple of domains. If you register a new domain address on our end, it will be hosted automatically in your semi-dedicated account.

Hosted Domains in VPS Web Hosting

Our virtual private server packages do not have any restriction for the amount of domain names that you can host no matter the Control Panel that you choose during the ordering process. With Hepsia, you'll be able to manage all domains in a single location and any new domain name that you register is going to be hosted automatically on the server with no need to do anything manually. If you get the VPS with cPanel or DirectAdmin, you can decide if a number of domain names will be accommodated within one account or if each and every domain is going to be hosted in its own account given that there is no limit how many individual accounts you can create using these two Control Panels. You're able to register new domain addresses via the VPS billing area and choose the ones you want to host and which ones to park and forward.